how to see if it sticks

mobile journal. cyber comic. digital rorschach.
Goes great with coal fired pizza – ONLY at roosters!
Close to Perfect, Far from Ordinary!
More incredible photographs and photoberry’s from Erik S. Lieber.
also see:
Egypt vs Mubarek
Japan vs Nuclear Reactor
You vs Lizard Brain
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“Japan’s government has asked people living within 12 miles of the Fukushima plant to evacuate and those between 12 miles and 18 miles to stay indoors…”
“U.S. urges Americans within 50 miles of Japanese nuclear plant to evacuate”
–The Washington Post
Howard Stern: ‘felt like such a failure’ after first marriage ended, used sex to cope with divorce
–NY Daily News
Inspired by the first page of Seth Godin’s Poke the Box, first release from The Domino Project, Powered by Amazon. 83 pages later, this quote:
“There are two mistakes one can make along the road (hall/haul) to truth: Not going all the way, and not starting”
– Siddhārtha Gautama
Between those pages? Permission to poke. To start, to do and to ship.
If you can’t find it, try upgrading how you look for it.
Sometimes simply changing the venue can change some other things too (especially the minivan…)
“The opportunity lies in pursuing your curiosity instead.”
Seth Godin – Poke the Box
go. do. ship.
Special Creative-My-Backyard Shout-Out to attendees of today’s TEDx Windsor!
Perhaps you’ve been holding on to some antiquated ideas about the way things ‘should’ be. Perhaps it’s been this way for a long time. Perhaps it’s time for a change, or at least a new haircut…
Out today under the new publishing venture, The Domino Project powered by Amazon – Seth Godin’s, Poke the Box – a tiny book filled with big ideas (not to mention a bold graphic joyful retro-clip art dude on the cover). Unlike Neil Diamond, if you’ve ever dabbled with fear, failure and/or resistance this book may just help you instigate, go, do and ship.
In other words, perhaps you need to just bring your self some flowers.