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mobile journal. cyber comic. digital rorschach.
The original Macintosh launched the ‘desktop’ publishing revolution in the 1980’s. The second decade of the 21st century is all about screens, apps, and an internet connection. Laptops, tablets, smartPhones and other devices – give way to the ‘mobile’ cross-media publishing evolution.
Today publishing can be as simple as typing 140 characters or less into any number of devices, tapping ‘submit’ with your finger and BAM (click)— you’re LIVE!
Students from my Desktop Cross-Media Publishing + Design course at University of Southern Maine, explored both desktop and cross-media publishing techniques for their final project. The assignment? Using your cellphone camera, choose a subject and tell a story, primarily using the visuals captured on your phone.
Students sourced, produced and published their content in print and on the web. Studio techniques using Adobe Creative Suite enabled students to retouch images, compose layouts and generate final files. Student’s cellphoneSketches were produced as greeting cards and posters; the web aspect, published right here on cellphoneSketchpad (scroll down).
Got a favorite? We’d welcome your comments!
“Japan’s government has asked people living within 12 miles of the Fukushima plant to evacuate and those between 12 miles and 18 miles to stay indoors…”
“U.S. urges Americans within 50 miles of Japanese nuclear plant to evacuate”
–The Washington Post
Howard Stern: ‘felt like such a failure’ after first marriage ended, used sex to cope with divorce
–NY Daily News
also not-to-be-missed NEW cellphoneSketchpad greeting cards!
Now available for purchase online and in select stores:
>> Old Port Card Works, 3 Moulton Street Portland, Maine
>> Paper Moon, 1 Westbrook Common, Westbrook, Maine
cellphoneSketchpad greeting cards – cayenne pepper, optional!
See a cellphoneSketch on this blog you can’t live without? Email us for high-quality limited edition custom-printed cards signed by Dave.
another no brainer – NEW cellphoneSketchpad greeting cards!
Now available for purchase online and in select stores:
>> Old Port Card Works, 3 Moulton Street Portland, Maine
>> Paper Moon, 1 Westbrook Common, Westbrook, Maine
cellphoneSketchpad greeting cards. I think therefore I cellphoneSketch