how to flinch forward

flinch - quicker than 20 years of therapy
flinch - quicker than 20 years of therapy
© 2011 Dave Weinberg

If you read only one more book this year, PLEASE make it this one:


On the other hand… 10 reasons NOT to read this, asap, including rescheduling your day around reading it to make the remaining part of your day better:

  1. It’s free so it can’t be any good.
  2. It will take you a whole half hour to read, 45 minutes, tops – but who really has that kind of time??
  3. You can download it in 5 seconds to whatever device you have your kindle app on so it’s too damn convenient (also see #1).
  4. You may all ready be familiar with the author, Julien Smith (co-author of Trust Agents), what’s the chance he has anything left to say?
  5. You may all ready be familiar with ideas and (self) challenges presented by Seth Godin and The Domino Project and maybe you’re ‘all set with that…’.
  6. You prefer paying for a therapist every week.
  7. It WILL challenge you to do your work (and other stuff) with deeper insight – about… YOU! (and that can stir up all kinds of nasty scary stuff and really who wants to go there when there’s so much great television??).
  8. It has 5 homework assignments including one that makes you take a very cold shower.
  9. It might make you uncomfortable about changes you need to make.
  10. It uses a boxing metaphor.

Bonus reason not to read Flinch

11. It has, perhaps, the most refreshing guarantee (disclaimer??) at the end of a book:

At this point in most books, the authors promise you that if you do what they say, you’re sure to succeed
In this case, you’re sure to fail. To be rejected. To discover wrong paths. To see what humiliation is like, firsthand.
You’re sure to live.
An then yes, maybe, you might reach your goals.
Would you have it any other way?

how to rehearse a round table with a rectangular table

AIGA Maine presents - ABSTRACT: The Future of Design in Media TODAY at USM's Abromson Center, Hannaford Hall
© 2011 Dave Weinberg

Pictured (l to r)
Alice Twemlow (Moderator)
Chair, d-crit MFA Program, School of Visual Arts

Florian Bachleda
Creative Director, Fast Compnay

Gael Towey
Chief Editorial and Creative Director, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Dirk Barnett
Creative Director, Newsweek Daily Beast Company

Arem Duplessis
Design Director, The New York Times Magazines

Luke Hayman
Partner, Pentagram

Scott Dadich
VP, Digital Magazine Development, Condé Nast

ABSTRACT: The Future of Design in Media
AIGA Maine

take out before take off

delta vouches for dinner and then some
© Dave Weinberg

Kudos to Delta Airlines for taking ownership of an unavoidable, but extended service delay. The ground team took proactive ownership of the situation and did at least three things right:

    1. Provided frequent status communications regarding delay along with drinks and snacks
    2. Provided airport meal vouchers and future flight coupons to affected customers
    3. Demonstrated a really good attitude that helped keep frustrations to a minimum

Somewhere in the hierarchy of Delta the ground team was empowered to make some decisions based on the circumstances and turned the lemon into lemonade (or in my case, malbec and a really excellent burger…)